All over the world people are #virtualnetworking

As with face-face networking it must be done carefully and respectfully.

( Remember .. Know, Like, Trust )

Examples of great virtual networks are #IoD #fsbconnect #chamberofcommerce #networkb2b #businessconnection.

The structure of the meetings varies and often derives from the format of the original face to face meeting.

You should be ready with your ” 60 second pitch ” ( Elevator Pitch ) and also with your 10 minute presentation.

You should think what your next step is ( in your sales funnel ). Many networking groups offer a short 121 section or you can arrange a 121 after.

You should research the people in the group and their relevance to you .. but also keep an open mind .. because they may not appear relevant to you at first but people they know will be.

You should think how you might help them. Who could you introduce them too ?

Note that people who you think are competitors may not actually be so. Often they are specialists in related areas.

Always be caring, respecting,tolerant,understanding, thoughtful.